Wednesday, March 31, 2010

last day of march...

On the last day of March...instead of rain, there was a clear blue sky. . .

. . .& I had fun. :o)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

I PASSED MY CLASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*SCREAM, *JUMP, *DANCE~~~~~!!!!!

With this particular semester with Med Surge 2 (which was the most challenging, hardest semester I have ever had in nursing school. . .) I went through the biggest emotional roller coaster ever. I cried too many times.

I was scared & insecure with my grades. . . .
I had ulcers, heartburn, & anxiety. . . .

Gosh. I can't believe I passed. WHEW~
Good-bye Med Surge 2. You are now the past. . . Yess!!!!

. . . So I screamed

. . . jumped

. . .& did a happy dance. . . lol. :o)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

in march. . . .

I'm on my "Spring Break". . . . .

But my Spring Break isn't a Spring Break.
(It's more like, the week before my finals instead. hahaha funny. I laugh.)

But I gladly welcome Spring....& the beginning of March.

*In March...I will complain about school (& work) less. *Key word: Less.

*In March...I will be cheerful & bubbly. haha~

*In March...I will be content with where I am~~~~ :)

SPRING is here~~~~~~~ celebrate. *^---^*