I absolutely hated working today. Gosh! I just hate it when people are mad and take out their frustrations on other people. Just innocent bystanders! Why? Why do people do that to each other, does it really make you feel better? You know that you're going to regret it right after you do it..and you try to cover it up like it never happened. (this is where I roll my eyes). I get it. People are that stressed, but still...come on.
I just take it all in because I don't know what else to do. Actually, I take it home..and I just blow up inside like I am right now. *Sigh. It's been 3 hours since I got home from work and I'm still a little upset. Ruined my night that I'm not even tired anymore. I should be sleeping right now, but I wanted to vent before I go to bed. How annoying.