It is I. I have checked and now I am positive. Never thought that I could actually be one of those people who NEED something. Last week I got really sick so I thought, instead of drinking coffee every morning, I should drink OJ. You know, the healthy stuff. I had chicken soup and noodles for 4 days.
Then, the next day I had the worst headache. The pounding kind. Ugh. It was pretty bad and I wasn't sure if it was because I was sick or if it was something else. Something told me that it might be something else. So I went to Starbucks and ordered a Caramel Macchiato. I thought I should get the coffee before I get the medicine and see if it's caffeine-withdrawal or my own sickness. Guess what. Bingo. Went away that I forgot I even had a headache. lol. Welcome to the world of caffeine addicts Stephanie! It's not so bad. Coffee is awesome. Makes me truly happy during my busiest days.