Since I got my laptop, using xanga has been useless since mac is a little different. It's deterred me from updating out of inconvenience (how sad). I like it when life is simple. Simplicity is best. And change is always good to me. I love changes. In fact, I can't wait for the most anticipated change yet. The change in season. To my favorite time of year..the summer time. ^^ Summer means more ice cream, sandals, picnics, & strawberry smoothies.
This year's spring has been nothing but gloomy/cloudy..with rain in between. I happily accept rain when I can stay indoors..but this year particularly has been raining on either a tuesday or thursday. How do I notice this? Because those 2 days out of the week is when I have my long lab hours at school. And it's those days thatI notice that I have left my umbrella in the back of my car.
If I could choose to change things in my life right now, first thing that's gotta go is the spring. I feel like I'm on stand-by right now until summer.. when things will start to flow and move. I think what I might be waiting for most is the freedom to choose. Right now I feel that I have no choice. I just have to keep going. I have work and I have work.
To keep my sanity I have been switching schedules and making plans to look forward to each week so that my week isn't so redundant. To list a few..I've been trying to meet with old friends that I haven't seen in months or even years, I got a membership at 24-hour fitness. (whoo-hoo), & my parents have been getting into buying new furniture.. so I got a new sitting-chair and a matching table..& I've been spending quality time there..reading & listening to French music.
One thing I got from today's Easter message is that time waits for no one. And it will always be too fast to catch up to. So as I wait for summer, it will most likely get here before I even know it. So until then, I will patiently wait and know that each day is a gift.