People are so mean and so rude. I can't stand it sometimes! And I fear that I might become what you call a bitter, grump. I felt like I was wearing a "kick me" sign on my back or something. I was a primary target for the most random people, strangers!!! What the heck. Ugh. Good news? This day will never happen again. Bad news, who knows if it will happen again.
Annoying lady complaining and complaining about a generic medication at work. Annoying, but no surprise. One of those "extra" busy days at the pharmacy and the front store manager getting on my case about forgetting to put my purse in the locker room, again. Super scary. Lap top not working all of a sudden! What the heck. Driving and accidentally cutting-off a real JERK and the guy being a total *JERK* about it. That made me so mad. You don't understand.........that one made my blood pressue go up..........oh my gosh..........Then, going to the Mac Store to get lap top fixed. Super-Duper annoying. Showing up late to class because Mac Stores take FOREVER. Made me sad. Finally, pouring rain after getting out of lab. GREAT.
Bad day, bad day... I hate today.
God, please let me have a happy day tomorrow. Pretty please.
Good night.