Yep, that's right. I'm back to studying-mode. Gosh, summer was great. I miss it already. I never got around to feeling like going back to school. And now, I realize that September will be a big start of more things. With another job that I'll be taking, my mornings will never be my own (that's for sure). Come to think of it, neither will be my evenings. Gosh..that's not good.
What happened to my vacation?? Did I really get to have one, no. I did not. With my oath ceremony to become a US citizen, they took my passport so that I can get the cool blue one..not the green (Korean) passport I have had all my life. I could have paid extra to get express shipping and have my passport delivered back to me within a month, but...why would I pay an extra hundred dollars to get my passport back AFTER school starts? So..no passport, no exciting trips. Oh well, there's always next time.
For now, I can be satisfied with lots of ice cream, watching as many movies as I possibly can, and trying/exploring different types of coffee drinks. And finally, my personal favorite, shopping.