My weekend in Vancouver went by so fast. It feels like a dream..except I got so sick. Maybe it feels like a dream because most of the time I was sleeping. How sad. It's never been this bad before. I can't eat anything. My palatine uvula (to be anatomically correct) is swollen and it hurts so much! It hurts to even swallow, actually it just hurts even if I don't do anything. And I can't eat or drink anything that's hot or spicy. The only thing that I can probably eat/drink is water, milk and soft white bread. Anything else just hurts and stings like crazy. I tried to drink coffee so many times. It hurts so much. I hope by tomorrow I can slowly start eating..but I'm so scared. I'm kind of traumatized by the orange juice, spicy/hot food and drinks I've been attempting to have. It's painful. How sad.
Despite my physical state, I am...happy. I may not look like it, but I am.